Did you know your gut contains trillions of microbes that could help save lives? 1–4 Your healthy gut microbiome from your stool can create microbiome-based treatments that could make a difference in the lives of millions of people!

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Why Donate?

Your stool contains a complex community of microbes, which reflect your gut microbiome 5-9. These microbes are vital for our health; unfortunately, many people have imbalanced guts, and their microbes aren’t doing the job they need to, leading to infections and poor health 1,3-9. This is where you come in; with your healthy and diverse mix of microbes from your stool, you could help make a difference in the lives of millions of people suffering from a range of gut-related issues 9,10.

Microbiome-based therapies, such as fecal microbiota transplantation, which help to restore lost or depleted microbiomes, are currently being used to help treat patients with Clostridioides difficile (cDiff) infections which can be life-threatening 5,11-18. With success rates over 90%, clinical research into the use of these therapies is growing in conditions ranging from IBS and metabolic disorders to Parkinson’s disease and autism spectrum disorder 5,11,19-24

Steps to becoming a stool donor

Donor screening is designed to minimize the risk of transmitting potentially infectious diseases or contagious traits from a donor to a recipient 25-28.

Do you know someone who could potentially be a stool donor? Refer them to our program! If they meet the screening requirements, you’ll earn $500 per successful referral. Your referrals could help make a lasting impact, so spread the word, refer your friends and family, and join us in our mission to harness the incredible potential of gut! Email support@novelbiome.com with both your contact information and that of the person you are referring.

Terms and conditions apply: Please note that our referral program is subject to specific terms and conditions. The referred candidate must successfully complete the donation process, and the referral incentive will be issued upon the first successful donation.

Donor Referral Program

See if you are eligible to be a stool donor.

Do you know someone who could potentially be a stool donor? Refer them to our program! If they meet the screening requirements, you’ll earn $500 per successful referral. Your referrals could help make a lasting impact, so spread the word, refer your friends and family, and join us in our mission to harness the incredible potential of gut!
Terms and conditions apply: Please note that our referral program is subject to specific terms and conditions. The referred candidate must successfully complete the donation process, and the referral incentive will be issued upon the first successful donation.

Take the Next Step

See if you are eligible to be a stool donor.

See if your stool can make a difference in the lives of millions of people!

References:  1. Bresalier, R. S. & Chapkin, R. S. 2020, 2. Cani, P. D. 2018, 3. Chung, H.-J. et al. 2018, 4. Fan, Y. & Pedersen, O. 2021, 5. Choi, H. H. & Cho, Y.-S. 2016, 6. Hooper, L. V. et al. 2012, 7. Perez-Muñoz, M. E. et al. 2017, 8. Sommer, F. & Bäckhed, F. 2013, 9. Wilson, B. C. et al. 2019, 10. Kump, P. et al. 2018, 11. Allegretti, J. R. et al. 2019, 12. Cammarota, G. et al. 2015, 13. Gupta, S. et al. 2021, 14. Kao, D. et al. 2017, 15. Lee, C. H. et al. 2016, 16. Lee, C. H. et al. 2019, 17. Ser, H.-L. et al. 2021, 18. van Nood, E. et al. 2013, 19. Baunwall, S. M. D. et al. 2020, 20. Brandt, L. J. & Aroniadis, O. C. 2013, 21. Hui, W. et al. 2019, 22. Quraishi, M. N. et al. 2017, 23. Rinott, E. et al. 2021, 24. Xu, M.-Q. 2015, 25. Jørgensen, S. M. D. et al.  2017, 26. Woodworth, M. H. et al. 2017, 27. Woodworth, M. H. et al. 2017, 28. Lagier, J.-C. 2014.

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